Stonewalling: A Short-Circuit in Your Crucial Conversations

A married couple trying to talk through an issue, but stonewalling going on

Have you noticed that difficult conversations with your partner seem to follow the same pattern?  As soon as the tension rises even a little bit, they get really quiet or totally silent.  Like clockwork, it’s as if sticking points turn to stop signs.  As infuriating as this is, there is a likely reason your partner […]

How to Talk to Your Partner About Couples Counseling

married couple discussing if they need couples counseling

Difficult Conversations That Lead to Easier Relationships One of the greatest challenges to couples counseling can occur before you officially start- getting both partners to agree.  While you may be pleasantly surprised, it is common to have some apprehension from at least one partner. Which leads to the frequently asked question, “How do I talk […]

Do You and Your Spouse Need Marriage Counseling?

Happy Married Couple in Marriage Counseling with a marriage counselor

Finding Answers and Results with Marriage Counseling If you are wondering whether you need marriage counseling, start by asking yourself if any of the following sounds familiar… “We can’t communicate” “Everything turns into a fight” “It feels like we’re just roommates” “We’re walking on eggshells all the time” “We hardly talk” “There’s no intimacy anymore” […]