The CORE of a Good Apology: Relationship Repair 101

A couple sitting talking to each other and apologizing to the other for their recent words and actions

Every relationship is a dance. Partners are circling one another in close proximity both physically and emotionally. This cadence and closeness create the foundation for true intimacy as well as unlimited opportunities to strain it. When two people dance together long enough it is inevitable that they will step on each other’s toes or fall […]

Effective Communication Strategies for Couples: A Therapist’s Guide

Happy Married Couple using effective communication strategies they developed with the help of their marriage counselor

Struggling with communication is the most common reason given by couples when they seek marriage counseling. “We just can’t communicate anymore,” “It all comes down to poor communication,” and “We suck at communicating,” are common refrains from couples. While there is typically more to the story for these couples, communication is like the password to […]

The Key Habits of Strong Couples: Relationships That Survive and Thrive

A happy couple who has successful and healthy relationship habits enjoying spending time with each other outdoors

Love is a beautiful thing. When experienced it is both indescribable and undeniable. It is all-consuming and intoxicating. Yet, love without a landing spot amounts to little more than heavy hearts and sad songs. It is only through relationships that love finds a home and comes to life. However, relationships don’t exist to simply celebrate […]

Gaslighting in Relationships: Overcoming Denial and Doubt

Couple arguing and yelling over gaslighting in their relationship

Have you ever asked yourself, “Is my partner gaslighting me?” If so, you are not alone. Any therapist will tell you that the over/under for the number of times a day that the word “gaslighting” comes up during sessions is right around double digits. In other words, we hear it a lot. However, the word’s […]

10 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage in Retirement

Retired couple on a therapy session at marriage and couple's office having relationship problem. Elderly married people trying to resolve conflict with help of professional counselor

Marriage Tips For Retired Couples A marriage that lasts until retirement is an accomplishment in and of itself. The overall divorce rate is nearly 50% and “grey divorce,” or those splitting after age 50, is becoming increasingly common. Riding off into the sunset together is simply no foregone conclusion.  Yet, most marriages that have stood […]

8 Tips for Couples to Overcome Holiday Stress Together

The unmistakable chill in the air, smell of hot cocoa, and sight of Cousin Eddie in his bathrobe emptying a chemical toilet into the sewer. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation playing in the background for the 400th time can mean only one thing.  The holidays have officially arrived. The holidays are a special time of year filled […]

Stonewalling: A Short-Circuit in Your Crucial Conversations

A married couple trying to talk through an issue, but stonewalling going on

Have you noticed that difficult conversations with your partner seem to follow the same pattern?  As soon as the tension rises even a little bit, they get really quiet or totally silent.  Like clockwork, it’s as if sticking points turn to stop signs.  As infuriating as this is, there is a likely reason your partner […]

How to Talk to Your Partner About Couples Counseling

married couple discussing if they need couples counseling

Difficult Conversations That Lead to Easier Relationships One of the greatest challenges to couples counseling can occur before you officially start- getting both partners to agree.  While you may be pleasantly surprised, it is common to have some apprehension from at least one partner. Which leads to the frequently asked question, “How do I talk […]

Do You and Your Spouse Need Marriage Counseling?

Happy Married Couple in Marriage Counseling with a marriage counselor

Finding Answers and Results with Marriage Counseling If you are wondering whether you need marriage counseling, start by asking yourself if any of the following sounds familiar… “We can’t communicate” “Everything turns into a fight” “It feels like we’re just roommates” “We’re walking on eggshells all the time” “We hardly talk” “There’s no intimacy anymore” […]